Mom and I on our Alaskan cruise

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Good evening, or morning, or afternoon, depending on when you've stumbled across this page. Today is January 23, 2023, and I have slowly...

Monday, April 11, 2022

The Great Migration


Souls animate the flesh

Moving us through life

Experiencing the good and bad

Carrying memories like feathers

Floating through the world

Driving our emotions

Tiring the mind

Dragging us kicking and screaming

Promising forever on dormant wings

Waiting in anticipation

Holding out hope for winds of change

Basking in the sun of borrowed time

Remembering seasons gone by

Reaching for others

Lamenting it’s corporeal form

Dreaming of a future unseen

Aching to return home

Watching the clouds shift

Feeling the cool winds blow

Sniffing the air of freedom

Lifting it’s head toward the sky

Spreading it fingers wide

Releasing our bodies to fate

Forgetting the past with each stroke

Fading from view

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